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Author : Rebecca Buckman
Founder Resources
Rebecca Buckman
12 Great Pieces of Company-Building Advice We Heard in 2023
Times have gotten more challenging for many technology companies of all sizes. The easy-money era…
Battery News & Market Trends
Rebecca Buckman
This is 40: Battery’s Four Decades of High-Tech Partnership, Innovation…
In this age of 10-second TikTok videos, AI-generated blogs and other online ephemera, it can…
Battery News & Market Trends
Rebecca Buckman
The Other Side of the Russia/Ukraine Conflict—High Tech in Flux
As Russian forces invaded Ukraine this week, Western governments moved swiftly to impose severe economic…
Sales & Marketing
Rebecca Buckman
How to Hire a Tech PR Firm—Or Not
One of the most frequent questions I get from startup CEOs is, “Can you recommend…
Industrial Tech + Life Science Tools
Rebecca Buckman
Helping Scientists Sequence the Covid-19 Genome—And Save Lives
In March 2020, the scientists and researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, a globally recognized…
Sales & Marketing
Rebecca Buckman
How to Get the Most Branding Bang Out of Your…
There’s definitely a lot of talk about SPACs these days. But the tried-and-true IPO is…
Rebecca Buckman
The Pandemic-Perfect, Video-Chat App That Ice-T and Pink Can’t Get…
Celebrities like Ice-T, Pink, Gabrielle Union and Kristen Bell have been using Battery Ventures-backed Marco Polo to stay in touch…
Rebecca Buckman
Why Employee Experience Matters, Especially Now—and How Companies of All…
We recently invited consultant Rebecca Goldsmith of C-Level Stories to speak with us about the principles of employee experience that…
Rebecca Buckman
The More Things Change . . . Announcing Battery Ventures…
Boston Investment firm, Battery Ventures announces it's most recent rounds of funding...a combined $2Billion in Fund XIII and XIII Side…
Sales & Marketing
Rebecca Buckman
B2B Startups, Here Are Five Reasons You’d Be Crazy to…
When tech companies--especially less-sexy ones selling to businesses, not consumers--first get started, there’s usually little…
Must Reads
Rebecca Buckman
Startup CEOs, You’re Blogging All Wrong
These days, most startup companies understand the value of content marketing for driving revenue and…
Founder Resources
Rebecca Buckman
Tear Down That Wall—and Build Startups
The offices of fin-tech company Zeitgold* look like those of any typical Silicon Valley startup:…